CIF Sac-Joaquin Section Wrestling
DateFeb 17 - 18, 2023
VenueAdventist Health Arena
Doors OpenDoors open at 8AM.
Event Details
The top boys and girls wrestlers in the CIF Sac-Joaquin Section face off for championships and coveted berths in the state championships. If you’re a wrestling fan in the Central Valley, this is the place to be Feb. 17-18.
Additional Ticket Information
All tickets sold via CIF Sac-Joaquin day of event.
Related Links
Please note that the arena will be using the following security procedures for all events. Please plan accordingly.
Walk thru metal detectors at all entrances of the facility; all patrons will walk through a metal detector prior to gaining access to the arena. If needed, security will perform pat downs on patrons in addition to the metal detectors.
Camera policy is set by the show, best practice suggests no cameras for events.
No weapons of any kind will be permitted into the arena.
No outside food or beverage will be permitted into the arena.
We are a cashless facility! All points of sale within the venue are no longer accepting cash. Please be prepared to pay with your credit card, debit card or mobile pay. Thank you!
The arena is a no smoking facility, there is no designated smoking area.
The arena has a no re-entry policy.
We encourage you to plan accordingly for traffic in the City, parking and long lines when entering the arena.
Parking is located at the Arena Garage – 398 W. Fremont St, Stockton, California